According to § 9 Section 1 Law on the marketing, return and environmentally sound disposal of batteries and accumulators (Battery Act – BattG), the seller informs the customer, that the later is required by law to return used batteries. The customer can give used batteries back to the seller free of charge. The seller hereby informs the buyer, that everybody who sells batteries to end customers in a sales department or close by is obliged to take them back free of charge. The seller is only obliged to take back batteries from his range or those which he used to have and the amount the user usually hands back in.


The following symbols inform the user that the batteries contain heavy metals and other hazardous substances. Due to this they cannot be disposed to domestic or industrial waste. The abbreviations below the symbol mean: “Cd” (cadmium), “Li” (Li) / “Li-Ion” (Li-ion), “Ni” (nickel), “Mh” (metal), “Pb” ( lead), “Zi” (zinc) and “Hg” (mercury), (Li-ion).